About Nsamizi Training Institute

Nsamizi Training Institute of Social Development (NTISD) is a Public Tertiary Institution located in Mpigi Town Council. The Institute was founded in 1953 with a mandate of training professional Social Development workers. Currently, the Institute is under the department of Business Technical and Vocational Education and Training at the Ministry of Education and Sports. It remains specialised in professional Capacity Building through training, education, research and outreaches interventions of the Social Development sector in Uganda and beyond. Over the years NTISD has positioned herself as a premier Student-Community Centred Learning Institution dedicated to academic and practice excellence, innovation, research and outreaches for Social and Economic Transformation. In line with the global Sustainable Development Goals, and Uganda’s Vision 2040, our vision is “to become a centre of excellence in delivering quality services that transforms the Social Development Sector in Uganda and the Great lakes region”. Our mission is “to produce competent human resources with positive attitudes that deliver quality services in social development”. 

Development challenges that we target in our training programmes are those that directly afflict livelihood systems and include among others health, education, income and food security, leadership and Governance, cultural belief systems, water and sanitation, environmental protection and conflict among others.


To become a reputable centre of excellence in training and producing practical oriented human resources that ably deliver quality services that can transform the social development sector.

Our Field Work Training Strengths and Competencies

Since the inception of NTISD, fieldwork attachment has been a vital component of learning for all students/participants irrespective of what courses they offer. We boast of a very unique community outreach strategy which ensures that all our students (usually over 2,000 in number) are split into over 40 groups and placed in over 40 sub-counties covering the major regions of Uganda  as  block  placement  every  academic  year  for  60  and  90  days  for  Certificate  and Diploma/Degree programs respectively. The field work exercise in each of the sub-county placements is placed under full time mentorship and support supervision by two staff of the institute.

While in the field, the students meaningfully engage community members in numerous socio- economic activities covering water, hygiene and sanitation, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Agribusiness and food security, Village Saving Schemes and Income generating activities through social group formation, Children and youth livelihoods, environment protection, gender based violence, communicable and non-communicable  diseases, community based first aid training and family planning among others. We boast of important feedback from our partners in the sub-counties where we have placed our students. One of such feedback was received from the Chief Administrative Officer of Lira District during field work official closure in May 2006 who said: “what your students do in the 60 days of fieldwork in a sub county, the sub-county staff can do it in 7 years or even more!”


distribution of seeds

Our specific Strengths

Our unique strengths in design and execution training and capacity building programs that we boast of include the following: 

  1. Our very highly specialized and experienced staff and faculty in mentorship, managing of trainings, support supervision and Mobiliza Their abilities in deploying strategies for community organizing, curriculum development and implementation in areas of health, education, livelihoods etc; needs assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation using tailor made participatory approaches stand out. In addition, their competencies in learner - centred training approaches make NTISD staff the most suitable Mobilizers, Trainers and Facilitators and field work support supervisors. 
  1. We have very competent staff and faculty used to effectively handling all kinds of participants from any institution/organization from any part of the country and beyond at the Center for Social Justice. They are always eager to welcome and attend to all participant concern/interests with ease and high level of professional 
  1. Our strong Quality Assurance (QA) mecha We have developed a number of tools to facilitate routine assessment not only of field attachment activities but also the other training and outreaches programmes. We ensure that lessons learnt from the assessment process immediately inform adjustments in the training; 
  1. We boast of over 34 Master trainers and 400 trainers in SRHR who have undergone an intensive 5 weeks training by highly professional trainer This is a team of trainers who are spread all over the country in each of the over 14 sub regions of Uganda, in all sectors (Health, Education, private sector, CSO etc) and who are multidisciplinary. These are professionals we are ready to utilize and tap into for SRHR interventions in communities, schools, institutions, organizations and health centres among others. 

Development partners can work with our over 2,000 students each year that are distributed in over 40 sub counties across all regions in Uganda to undertake Block Placement fieldwork for 90 days under direct support supervision and mentorship from an institute staff. While there they engage communities and institutions into various social transformation micro projects such as entrepreneurships, social group formation and strengthening existing ones, SRHR issues in communities and schools, water and sanitation, Environment, livelihoods and vocational skills among others. The students and their supervisor work in collaboration with local leadership, opinion leaders and government agencies and CSOs. 

  1. NTISD is seated on 69 hectares of a very serene and quiet very green environment of many hills and valleys that is so conducive for professional, academic and vocational training. We have vocational skills training programs that are picking up with the little resources we have. Our students get training in weaving and crafts, soap and detergent making, tailoring, computer skills, fashion and design, wine making, bakery, agri-business in animal and crop husbandry, We welcome any opportunity to expand and grow our vocational skills enterprise with fully equipped workshops for both in and out of school children in all aspects possible, given the huge free space of land we have. 
  1. We emphasise important professional practice values for our trainees during field work mentor Prominently, we strongly promote: innovative and creative thinking by the learners; self motivation; confidentiality; empathy and gender sensitivity These are indeed relevant values that we will among others emphasise in the project if given opportunity. 
  1. Our excellent working relationship with local governments, ministries and key CSOs across the country. These are the institutions and contexts in which we have over the years placed our students for field work and other project engageme As already highlighted, the outcomes of the placement exercises leave a mark behind, and often, we are contacted again with requests for placement of our students to support communities by the same local governments. 

Please work with us to contribute to the achievement of the Global Sustainable Development Goals and Ugandas Vision 2040.



  • If you would like to find out more about of programs & courses, please contact us by phone, email or via our online contact form.